Monday, November 23, 2015

Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia. It is located at the confluence of three rivers, the Mekong, the Bassac and Tonle Sap.  The city is divided into three sections - the north, an attractive residential area; the south or the French part of the city with its ministries, banks and colonial houses; and the centre or the heart with its narrow lanes, markets, foods stalls and shops.

Over the past four years, the city has undergone tremendous changes - businesses are springing up constantly and tourism is once again booming.  Cambodia has one of the most liberal investment laws to further boost managed to retain its charm and character - cyclos that weave through traffic with ease, broad boulevards, old colonial buildings, parks and green spaces that reminds one of the country's French heritage, and above all its people who always have a smile for you.

A stone's throw away from the Tonle Sap is the royal Palace built on the site of the Banteay Kev, a citadel built in 1813. The Palace grounds contain several buildings: the Throne Room of Prasat Tevea Vinichhay which is used for the coronation of kings, official receptions and traditional ceremonies; the Chan Chhaya Pavilion which is a venue for dance performances; the king's official residence called the Khemarin; the Napoleon Pavilion and the spectacular Silver Pagoda. This pagoda is worth exploring.  It owes its name to the 5,000 silver tiles weighing 1kg each which cover the entire floor.

The emerald Buddha sits on a pedestal high atop the dias.  In front of the dias stands a life-size Buddha made of solid gold and weighs 75kg. It is decked with precious gems including diamonds, the largest of which is 25 carats.  Also on display at the sides are the coronation apparel and numerous miniature Buddha in gold and silver.

The walls surrounding the compound which is the oldest part of the palace, are covered with frescos depicting scenes from the Khmer version.


The monument was built in 1958 to symbolise the independence that Cambodia gained from France in 1953. The French fully abandonned their interests in Indochina following defeat by the Vietnamese at the battle of Dien Bien Phu in May 1954. Independence is marked in Cambodia o­n the 9th November. The monument has a unique and peculiar style and doubles as a memorial to Cambodian patriots who died for their country.


You may also want to check out WAT PHNOM which sits on a tree covered hill about 30m high in the northeast of the city.  It is said that the first pagoda was built in 1373 to house four statues of the Buddha deposited here by the Mekong river. It was discovered by a woman named Penh.  Thus, the name Phnom Penh, the hill of Penh. The people believe that this temple is powerful in that anyone who makes a wish will have it granted. It is not surprising to see many people coming here to pray for protection or healing.  Many bring lotus flowers as offerings for prayers answered.


The NATIONAL MUSEUM of Cambodia is housed in a graceful terracotta structure of traditional design (built 1917-20) just north of the Royal Palace. It is open Tuesday to Sunday from 8 to 11 am and from 2 to 5 pm; entry is $3. Photography is prohibited inside. The School of Fine Arts has its headquarters in a structure behind the main building.

The museum comprises four courtyards which face onto a garden courtyards to the left and straight ahead of the entrance.

National MuseumSome highlights include the eight-armed statue of  Vishnu from the 6th or 7th century, the statue of Shiva (circa 877-866) and the sublime statue of Jayavarman VII seated (circa 1181-1218), his head bowed slightly in a meditative pose.

Elsewhere around the museum are display of pottery and bronzes dating from the pre-Angkor periods of Funan and Chenla (4th to 9th centuries), the Indravraman period (9th and 10th centuries), the classical Angkor period (10th to 14th centuries), as well as more recent works.


In 1975,Tuol Svay Prey High School was taken over by Pol Pot's security force and turned into a prison known as Security Prison 21 (S-21) It soon became the largest such centre of detention and torture in the country. Over 17,000 people held at S-21 were taken to the extermination camp at Choeung Ek to be executed; detainees who die during torture were buried in mass graves in the prison grounds.

S-21 has been turned into the Tuol Sleng Museum, which serves as a testament to the crimes of the Khmer Rough. The museum's entrance is on the western side of 113 St just north of 350 St, and it is open daily from 7 to 11.30 am and from 2 to 5.30 pm; entry is US$2.

As the Khmer 'revolution' reached ever-greater heights of insanity, it began devouring its own children. Generations of tortures and executioners and were in turn killed by those who took their places. During the first part of 1977, S-21 claimed an average of 100 victims a day. When Phnom Penh was liberated by the Vietnamese army in early 1979, they found only seven prisoners alive at S-21. Fourteen others had been tortured to death as Vietnamese forces were closing in on the city. Photographs of their decomposing corpses were found. Their graves are nearby in the courtyard.

Altogether, a visit to Tuol Sleng is a profoundly depressing experience. There is something about the sheer ordinariness of the place that make it even more horrific; the suburban setting, the plain school buildings, the grassy playing area where several children kick around a ball, rusted beds, instruments of torture and wall after wall of harrowing black-and-white portraits conjure up images of humanity at its worst. Tuol Sleng is not for the squeamish.


Between 1975 and 1978,aabout 17,000 men, women, children and infants (including nine westerners), detained and tortured at S-21 prison (now Tuol Sleng Museum), were transported to the extermination to death to avoid wasting precious bullets.

The remains of 8985 people, many of whom were bound and blindfolded, were exhumed in 1980 from mass graves in this one-time long an orchard; 43 of the 129 communal graves here have been left untouched.

Cheung EkFragment of Human bone and bits of cloth are scattered around the disinterred pits. Over 8000 skulls, arranged by sex, are visible behind the clear glass panels of the Memoral Stupa, which was erected in 1988.

The Killing Fields of Choeung Ek are 15 km from Central Phnom Penh. To get there, take Monireth Blvd south-westward out of the city from the Dang Kor Market bus depot. The site is 8.5 km from the bridge near 271 St. A memorial ceremony is held annually at Choeung Ek on 9 May.


Central MarketA visit to the markets and market halls is a must as they give an opportunity to be acquainted with the country's local produce and also to buy textiles, antiques, gold and silver jewellery.

The four wings of the yellow coloured Central Market are teeming with numerous stalls selling gold and silver jewellery, antique coins, clothing, clocks, flowers, food, fabrics, shoes and luggage.


For some good paintings or if you prefer antiques, head fro the Tuol Tom Poong Market also known as the Russian Market.  A word of caution though: you need to sharpen your bargaining skills as the prices here can be outrageously high.

Read more about Phnom Penh City

Phnom Penh City

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Khmer food is one of the major national identities that reflect the ways of life, thought, and mind of the Cambodian people which are hidden in the taste of consumption of meat dishes and sweet food. Cambodia has been rich in a variety of plants and crops since ancient times so that we could cook many types of foods suitable for each group of different people.

Food is one of our most basic needs. We cannot live without it. Food gives us the energy for everything we do - walking, talking, working, playing, reading, and even thinking and breathing. Food also provides the energy for our nerves, muscles, heart, and glands that need to work. In addition, food supplies the nourishing substances to our bodies requiring to build and repair tissues and to regulate body organs and systems.

All living things must have food to live. Green plants use the energy of sunlight to make food out of carbon dioxide (a gas in the air) and water and other substances from the soil. Other living things depend on the food made by green plants. The food that people and other animals eat comes chiefly from plants or from animals that eat plants. Food does more than help keep us alive, strong, and healthy. It also adds pleasure to living. We enjoy the flavors, odors, colors, and textures of foods. We celebrate special occasions with favorite meals and feasts. Favorite vegetables include beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, lettuce, onions, peas, potatoes, and sweet corn. Vegetables are commonly eaten during the main part of a meal. They may be served raw in a salad, cooked and served with a sauce, or added to a soup.

Khmer Food

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Christmas season is coming!!!!

Do you have any place to visit yet? Let think about Kingdom of Wonder, Cambodia!!!!

Spending time here for your holiday you will experience how amazing of this country will be… there are a lot of places for tour visit, natural, culture and much more. You will enjoy and satisfy while you are spending time here…

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap province

Phnom Penh City, Heart of Cambodia

Beach, Preah Sihanouk province

Waterfall, Mondulkiri province

Holiday??? Visit us here, Cambodia!!!!!

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Monday, November 16, 2015

Banana is one of the local fruit. We can find it everywhere with cheap and reasonable price but it contains a lot of health benefits to help strengthen your body. You can use it instead of your breakfast or whenever you are starving.

Let check it out below for the Top 10 Health benefits of Banana:

11-      Help who wants to quit smoking
22-     Can boost brain power
33-      Relieves menstrual cramps
44-      Reduces itchy mosquito bites
55-      Prevents anemia
66-      Promotes healthy bones
77-      Reduce depression
88-      Lowers risk of heart diseases and hypertension
99-      Regulates bowel movements
110-      Helps people with ulcer

Health Benefit of Banana

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Vitamin A

The Vitamin A is present in the plant food as inactive food. Functions of Vitamin A are as below:

1-      It is used in the formation of Rhodopsin a light receptor of rods.
2-      It helps in the normal function of male and female reproductive system.
3-      It helps to maintain proper epithelial layer.
4-      It is a best antioxidant
5-      It is used in nucleic metabolism
6-      It is very important vitamin which can help in secretion of mucous membrane to prevent infection and avoid stomach destruction from acid.

Deficiency of Vitamin A

1-      Night blindness
2-      Dryness in the eye
3-      Destruction of cornea
4-      Skin dryness
5-      Sterility in male

If we intake too much of Vitamin A:

1-      Peeling of skin and skin color changes to yellow
2-      Nausea and vomiting
3-      Headache

Normal Level of Vitamin A:         25 - 50µg/100ml

Vitamin A

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