Sunday, November 15, 2015

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

The Vitamin A is present in the plant food as inactive food. Functions of Vitamin A are as below:

1-      It is used in the formation of Rhodopsin a light receptor of rods.
2-      It helps in the normal function of male and female reproductive system.
3-      It helps to maintain proper epithelial layer.
4-      It is a best antioxidant
5-      It is used in nucleic metabolism
6-      It is very important vitamin which can help in secretion of mucous membrane to prevent infection and avoid stomach destruction from acid.

Deficiency of Vitamin A

1-      Night blindness
2-      Dryness in the eye
3-      Destruction of cornea
4-      Skin dryness
5-      Sterility in male

If we intake too much of Vitamin A:

1-      Peeling of skin and skin color changes to yellow
2-      Nausea and vomiting
3-      Headache

Normal Level of Vitamin A:         25 - 50µg/100ml


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